Institutional Access

Institutional Access – Anytime, Anywhere


Thank you for offering to make Open Access Helper better, by providing a new configuration for your institution. Please fill in the form below and I’ll review as soon as possible.

  • EZproxy or OpenAthens Redirector URLs needs to end in {targetUrl}
  • The Link Resolver or Request Form needs to end in {doi}
  • URL of Domain configuration is a new feature, please see this page for details

If you are not certain about the right settings, please use the contact form instead and I’ll try to help.

Institution NameProvide the name of your institution, the way your students would expect it. Consider adding common abbrevaiations in brackets
Institutional Access URLProvide your EZProxy prefix. Make sure that it ends in {targetUrl} and double check the capitalization
Domain Name for SearchIf your EZProxy domain is hosted with a domain other than your own, provide your domain here, so students can find you easily. You can leave this field empty, if you self-host your EZProxy.
ILL Form or LinkResolver URLProvide the URL of your Link Resolver (SFX, UResolver, 360Link, Full Text Finder, etc), make sure the URL ends in {doi}
URL of domain configuration (json file)If you have created a JSON file with your proxy domains, you can provide a URL to the file here, so your students will be able to see EZProxy buttons with higher accuracy.
EBSCO CustomerId.Group.ProfileWe support EBSCO’s Entitlment API – do use it, simply provide your Customer ID, Group & Profile, e.g. ns123456.main.ehost
E-MailIf you want to edit your settings, I will send a one-time-password to this eMail Address. Please make sure it is accurate and reaches you!
LibrarianIf you are a member of the library, I will try to confirm this via your website, to avoid giving someone access to your institution’s settings. All changes are reviewed by me, before becoming active.
Contact SettingI will not spam you, this is just to give me permission to be in touch, if a user reports something as broken.

If your Institution is not listed, please contact support to request it!



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