2022.1 (all versions)

Version 2022.1 was released on 25 December and further unifies the code base between Chrome, Firefox & Safari Extension. This all important update enhances stability, introduces a number of bug fixes and a few new features.

Institute Specific Highlight & Search

Libraries can now provide the search URL for their discovery service and it will be available as a Highlight & Search option. This means that users of those institutions, have even better access to their institution’s holdings.

Web-based option to add institution to extension

A user searching for their institution at https://www.oahelper.org/proxy so far was only able to see that their institution is covered. If the user has Open Access Helper installed s/he will now see a blue “Add to Open Access Helper” button, providing a convenient shortcut to adding your institution.

2022.1 (all versions)
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