
Version 2023.8 (all browsers)

As you are getting ready for the new academic year, I am happy to report that Version 2023.8 is starting to roll out to a browser near you. Updates to the Open Access Badge Open Access Helper now uses a new icon, when a user is already at the Open Access copy of the article. […]

Swift 4: Adding new UI Elements to the Main.strings file, which Xcode auto-generates for you

When you are ready to localize your App, Xcode will auto-generate a Main.strings file for your Main Storboard. In that file every element of the User Interface (labels & more) are listed in the following format: /* Class = “UILabel”; text = “Subtitle”; ObjectID = “y5E-9n-LU8”; */ “y5E-9n-LU8.text” = “Untertitel”; That’s a pretty awesome format, […]

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